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Equipment for a Gym Newbie – Part 1

Nicole Cowell newbie training


Entering into a gym or box for the first time you will see people wearing or using a range of gear and equipment. As a newbie it can be hard to know what you really need and in what order. Here are some tips and suggestions for what you need to get started.


  1. Gym training shoes

It’s true you can wear regular running shoes in a class but if you plan to continue then the first thing to invest in is some training shoes.  Regular running shoes will be too soft for weightlifting and will make lifting harder as you are less stable. The soles on regular shoes will also get worn away from rope burn. Fitness shoes are designed to be an all purpose shoe – suitable for weightlifting, gymnastic movements, day to day WODs and rope climbs. They are definitely worth the investment.


  1. Speed Rope

Investing in your own skipping rope early will save a lot of frustration when learning Double Unders. Having your own rope means you can customize the length so it is perfect for you. They are a relatively cheap purchase and the cost will be repaid quickly in satisfaction when you master Double Unders early. Having your own rope also means you can practice in the privacy of your own home – a great way to learn the skill and build your fitness at the same time.


  1. Knee Sleeves

The knees get worked a lot in the gym. Having healthy knees that move well is very important. Knee sleeves provide support, compression, warmth, stability and cushioning. They will promote good movement patterns for the knee and provide support in all squatting based movements. They also provide cushioning to your knees when you do burpees and lunges.  So even if you don’t have a knee injury, protecting your knees from the beginning is a good idea. If you want to read more about knee sleeves you can read an earlier blog post here.


  1. Rope Climb Shin Protection

Climbing ropes can cause rope burn on your shins. People do vary in how bad the rope burn is but you will need to protect your shins in some way once you start getting up that rope. There are many ways to do this – can be long socks, long tights, soccer shin guards, calf sleeves or other specific rope climb protectors. In the end you want a physical barrier between your skin and the rope. The thicker this barrier the better.  What option you chose will depend on your budget and how bad rope burn is for you.


The above list is only the start of the things people wear and use. Stay tuned for part 2 - where we cover off some other items you may need if you start to get more serious at this sport.


Happy training!

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