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Training, News and Information — coaching

Why EVERYONE should film themselves training

Nicole Cowell coaching training weighlifting

Why EVERYONE should film themselves training

I am a big fan of filming yourself in training. Not because you want to watch yourself but because you want to learn and improve. A coach can tell you something you are doing wrong... "you are raising your butt before the barbell leaves the need to slow down that stripper butt" ... [ok so this was a common one for me] But until you watch it for yourself you will never quite understand. Even when you think you are fixing the problem they have identified you should watch again. Chances are you haven't fixed it at all. Chances...

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Perseverance and Persistence are under rated

Nicole Cowell coaching life tips motivation training

Perseverance and Persistence are under rated

The qualities of perseverance and persistence are under rated. When we see someone who is good at something people often refer to them as "naturally gifted" or think they were born that way. While it may be true that some people are naturally a little bit better at something what people miss is the perseverance and persistence - the hard work these people put in behind the scenes working on their skill to become the best.   In a world of instant gratification and overnight success we seem to forget about the need for perseverance and persistence and just practice....

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When coaching is confusing

Nicole Cowell coaching

When coaching is confusing

Coaching is a tricky business especially if you get differing advice. The challenge for the athlete is to work through and listen to all the advice to find that gold nugget that clicks with you.

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