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Training, News and Information — life tips

You Don't Want It Enough

Nicole Cowell diet goals life life tips motivation training

You Don't Want It Enough

Every aspect of life is a matter of priorities. We make decisions about what to and what not to do based on what is important to us. We can talk about "being busy" or things being "too hard" but what we are really saying is "I have something else that is more important right now".

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Perseverance and Persistence are under rated

Nicole Cowell coaching life tips motivation training

Perseverance and Persistence are under rated

The qualities of perseverance and persistence are under rated. When we see someone who is good at something people often refer to them as "naturally gifted" or think they were born that way. While it may be true that some people are naturally a little bit better at something what people miss is the perseverance and persistence - the hard work these people put in behind the scenes working on their skill to become the best.   In a world of instant gratification and overnight success we seem to forget about the need for perseverance and persistence and just practice....

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Why We Should All Write Down Our Goals

Nicole Cowell Goal setting life tips

Why We Should All Write Down Our Goals

When you write down your goals they suddenly become real, not just dreams flying around in your head. They don't need to be fancy but working out what you want is the first step in achieving them

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