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Training, News and Information — motivation

About that soul destroying workout

Nicole Cowell motivation training wod workout

About that soul destroying workout

  I like to think that I train hard every day but some days you just strike those workouts that crush your soul. They take every part of your being to finish and leave you feeling exhausted mentally and physically. Yesterday I experienced one of those soul destroying workouts. You know the ones where you question your existence and why you are doing this to yourself.   The training session didn't start off the best for me. I was on the 4th training day in a row, which is not normal for me as I would normally only do 3...

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You Don't Want It Enough

Nicole Cowell diet goals life life tips motivation training

You Don't Want It Enough

Every aspect of life is a matter of priorities. We make decisions about what to and what not to do based on what is important to us. We can talk about "being busy" or things being "too hard" but what we are really saying is "I have something else that is more important right now".

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Perseverance and Persistence are under rated

Nicole Cowell coaching life tips motivation training

Perseverance and Persistence are under rated

The qualities of perseverance and persistence are under rated. When we see someone who is good at something people often refer to them as "naturally gifted" or think they were born that way. While it may be true that some people are naturally a little bit better at something what people miss is the perseverance and persistence - the hard work these people put in behind the scenes working on their skill to become the best.   In a world of instant gratification and overnight success we seem to forget about the need for perseverance and persistence and just practice....

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Getting back into training post vacation

Nicole Cowell goals just start motivation vacation

Getting back into training post vacation

We know going back to the gym after a vacation is going to be HORRIBLE. The only goal is showing up and getting that body moving. It really won't take long to get back to where you were. Just start and keep going. 

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Going Backwards to Move Forward

Nicole Cowell goals motivation

Going Backwards to Move Forward

For those of us who recognize our own competitiveness it is hard for us to willingly go backwards, to check our ego at the door and tell ourselves it's ok to not get a great score today if it means improving ourselves. But if you have something that isn't working then you might need to ask yourself do I need to strip this back? Do I need to go backwards to go forwards? If you do, then be brave enough to suck. Be brave enough to go through the challenging and humbling times to come out the other side a better athlete. Short term pain for long term gain. It will be worth it.

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