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Got a product you'd like to see Liberte Lifestyles do?

Nicole Cowell customers feedback ideas new products

It's really only been a couple of months but I am over the moon with how everything has gone since our launch. It is crazy and exciting to see our products be worn all over the world!

And I cannot believe that I am already thinking of adding new products and prints. I have lots of ideas floating around in my head and have a few things in the works but I always want to hear from our customers about things they would like to see.

So if you have an idea about a new knee sleeve print you would like to see, or a product that you would like us to do then I want to hear from you. Obviously, I can't promise I will be able to do everything but you just never know. Some of our existing products came from suggestions people gave to me so I am listening!

You can give me your feedback by commenting on this post or you can email me at

And thank you for your support. I don't have a business without you, our customer!

Happy training!

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