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Training, News and Information — goals

The Fear of Being Average

Nicole Cowell goals life motivation

The Fear of Being Average

The fear of being average drives me to work hard and improve myself and from that effort you get rewarded with a sense of achievement.

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Just Start

Nicole Cowell goals just start life motivation

Just Start

The biggest reason why most of us never achieve all of our goals? Because we never start. Procrastination is enemy number 1. There are a lot of good books on this topic. Mel Robbins is the person who comes to my mind when I think about this topic but you don’t need to read a book. You just need to do SOMETHING. START. NOW. I have been using this strategy of just starting for quite a few years now and it works great. Everything seems huge and scary at the beginning but once you get started you will find it...

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Why goal setting is hard if you've been training for a while

Nicole Cowell goals

Why goal setting is hard if you've been training for a while

If you are like me and have been doing this sport for a while you may find that goal setting is hard. How do I define success in this sport? Set some goals that you think are realistic for you but in the end you need to flexible in judging how successful you were in achieving them.

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