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Just Start

Nicole Cowell goals just start life motivation

The biggest reason why most of us never achieve all of our goals? Because we never start. Procrastination is enemy number 1.

There are a lot of good books on this topic. Mel Robbins is the person who comes to my mind when I think about this topic but you don’t need to read a book. You just need to do SOMETHING. START. NOW.

I have been using this strategy of just starting for quite a few years now and it works great. Everything seems huge and scary at the beginning but once you get started you will find it isn’t as bad or as big as you thought.

  • When I decided I wanted to get muscle ups I messaged my coach and asked if he could give me an extras program to follow. Then I followed it.
  • When I had no idea about a new project at work – I just forced myself to start and spend one hour on it and do something. More often than not, it just flowed from there and wasn’t as bad as I thought.
  • When I had 30 lbs to lose after having a baby – I set myself a goal right then to lose 1 pound in the next 7 days. I put a sign on the fridge with my goal and started. After that pound was gone then it was another pound. 12 months later 30 lbs were gone.
  • When I wanted to declutter my house, I said I would throw away one thing right now and then one thing a day every day. Didn’t matter how small or big just one thing every day.
  • When I decided I wanted to create Liberte Lifestyles. I didn’t know how to do it all, just that I wanted to. I wrote down the list of things I thought I had to do to get started and I did those things. Then I added a few more things. I worked it out as I went but the key is I started.

To achieve anything in life you have to take action. Thinking is not action. A tiny step is all the momentum you need.

  • Stop waiting for the perfect time….there isn’t one
  • Stop waiting for someday….it will never come.
  • You can’t finish….if you never start.
  • Just start something…NOW!

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